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Copper Alloy Casting

There is only maximum life or maximum death

The Bible does not give us the specific details of the nature of the torment that they will be under once they are thrown into the Lake of fire and Brimstone. And God may never tell any of us, even when we get into the new heaven and the new earth. It may be something He may never really want us to know about and we may be better off not knowing the full details.

However, just the thought that a certain percentage of humanity will not make it into the new heaven and new earth, and will have to spend the rest of their eternal lives in this horrible place of torment just blows the human mind!Some people ask how could a loving God create such a horrible place of torment for people to end up in if they choose for whatever reason not to accept Him. I believe there is only one answer to that question.I believe God has everything set up on a "all or nothing" principle. There is only maximum life or maximum death. If you choose God and Jesus, then you will end up with maximum life in the new heaven and new earth. If you do not choose God and Jesus, then you will end up with maximum death - which is the Lake of Fire and Brimstone.

There is no middle ground or neutral areas! It's all or nothing. It's God or the Devil. It's heaven or hell. It's maximum life or maximum death. It's really all black and white.God the Father is a God of maximum intensity. He is not playing games. There is only one God and one Savior - Jesus Christ! There is only one way to live and that is to choose God and Jesus and follow all of Their ways and all of Their commandments. Here is the Scripture verse that I feel really captures this thought: "... I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days ..." (Deuteronomy 30:19)I don't think God could make things any more clearer than the way that He has it spelled out in that verse.
